Become a WWOOF Host
Guidelines for WWOOF Host Applicants
WWOOF is an exchange, in return for your visitor’s assistance on your organic property, you provide adequate meals and clean, dry accommodation. The exchange is based on half a day’s help which can range from 5-6 hours depending on the situation. Specifics such as the length of stay and any other important details should be arranged when the volunteer initially contacts you. It is often helpful to talk to the volunteer when they phone to determine their suitability to your situation.
Obligations of Hosts
The WWOOF host farm should:
- Be able to provide experiences in a variety of organic farming techniques.
- Be able to provide a welcoming and safe environment for their volunteers.
- Aim to provide organic food.
- Aim to make educational resources available to volunteers to back up the practical experience gained on the farm.
Please read CAREFULLY information for potential hosts.
If you fit the above criteria please fill in the host application form
by clicking here: Join as WWOOF HOST