Preparing your stay
Make sure you travel safely
When arranging to visit a WWOOF host, take all the precautions you would take when visiting someone you do not know. If you are travelling alone, make sure you can leave easily if things don’t work out – don’t get trapped, dependent on the host for transport.
If you have a complaint to make about a host for any reason, please contact us immediately. Your action may help others. Do not pass on gossip or hear-say but encourage others to contact us.
If you have not travelled abroad before, we suggest to find out as much as possible about the countries you intend to visit (travel guide, internet, etc.). The following points may seem obvious, but it is surprising how many people don’t realise that in other countries:
- Many people do not speak English;
- Even if you do speak the language of the country, you may not speak it well enough to understand and be understood;
- Telephones work differently and use different ringing sounds;
- Banks and post offices may work differently.
- it is your responsibility to obtain any necessary visas and work permits before making travel arrangements. WWOOF organisations and WWOOF hosts cannot assist with this. No letters of invitation can be sent.
- Your main reason for WWOOFing should be an interest in gaining experience of helping on an organic farm. Low cost travelling, cultural exchange or language training should NOT be your primary reason for WWOOFing.
- If telephoning, remember the time difference between countries -people do not like being woken up in the middle of the night! Try to telephone between 9.00/10:00 – 14:00 or 17:30 – 21:00 local time.
- If telephoning, do not expect WWOOF hosts to speak English, understand your accent, or expect to understand what they say to you! If your language is poor, it is better to write.
- When you receive a positive response, please reply immediately to accept or refuse their offer. Keep in touch with your host so that you both know what is agreed.
- If your plans change, make sure you inform your host in plenty of time.
- Do NOT arrive at a host’s address without having arranged your visit with them beforehand.
- Please keep your membership subscription to WWOOF up-to-date.
- Please don’t abuse our service. Do NOT pass on your WWOOF lists to people who are not members of WWOOF. WWOOF membership fees are small and they enable us to make this service happen.
- Encourage your friends to join WWOOF.
- Send us any feedback about farms you visit or ideas you have for developing WWOOF.